Greetings, scrapbooking enthusiasts! I have noticed there are a bunch of new people around here so I thought it might be time to reintroduce myself!

Hi there, I’m Chris, the founder of Chris’ Creative Life. I’m a lifelong lover of photos and memories, and have been scrapbooking since my son was born in 2001.

Over the years, I’ve developed my skills and knowledge, and have had the privilege of teaching and sharing my passion with others through my workshop guides, online events, and personal coaching.

I’ve always believed that anyone can create beautiful, meaningful scrapbook layouts with the right guidance and supplies. That’s why I focus on helping scrapbookers who struggle with creativity and where to start. I carefully select supplies based on new trends in the market and create layouts that are simple enough for anyone to recreate, but also have enough decorative elements to expand their skills and improve their creativity.

As an influencer in the scrapbooking industry, I stay up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques, and incorporate them into my designs and workshops. My goal is to provide scrapbookers of all skill levels with the guidance and inspiration they need to create layouts that they can be proud of.

In addition to my workshop guides and online events, I host a blog, YouTube channel, and social media pages where I share tutorials, product reviews, and design tips. I also host events like Sketch Camp, where I teach scrapbookers how to create layouts with personal-designed sketches.

For me, the success of my business is not just about the number of sales, but the number of people I’ve been able to share my passion with. My customers trust me to provide high-quality, innovative guidance and inspiration, and I take that responsibility seriously. Whether you’re a seasoned scrapbooker or just starting out, I’m here to help you preserve your memories in a creative and meaningful way.


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