The month of May is all a blur. It is going so quickly. Well I have to say the highlight of the month of May was the Rediscover event I attended. We were honored to have Close To My Heart head office come to Winnipeg for the first time ever. It was an amazing night of inspiration in s many ways.

National Scrapbooking Month in May, you can get the Free
to Be Me paper
collection for just $5 with your qualifying purchase of $50. The paper
collection features exclusive printed cardstocks, vellums, and B&T Duos™
and, with a retail value of $11.95, is a fantastic deal for products you can’t
get anywhere else. Plus, with your $50 qualifying purchase, you will also
qualify for the May Stamp of the Month for an additional $5 (retail value
$17.95)! This means May is the perfect month to double up on promotions, getting
the paper collection for $5 and the May Stamp of the Month for $5—that is a
savings of nearly $20! So make sure to get your Free
to Be Me paper
collection in May for just $5 and let your creativity take flight!
Here is a
picture of the “Free To Be Me” paper-