I have never done this before but as we come to the end of all the Seasonal Expression and Annual Idea books run I have decided to have a …..Flash File Frenzy!! Say what?? Yes it is true! I know you all have lots of the supplies on your shelves so now it is time to use them up. Is there any better way then with a workshop that has been completely designed for you?
Here is the deal….Buy 2 Chris’ Creative Pages workshop file from now until Friday, August 12th (at midnight) and get 1 free. Yes I did say FREE. What a fun and easy way to use up supplies (or maybe add a few-wink,wink!!).
Here is how it is going to work…send me an email with the workshops you would like PLUS the one you would like for FREE!! I will then email you a PayPal invoice, once that has been paid I will send those files to your inbox asap! email is crbb@mymts.net you can also send me a PM on Facebook- HERE. Each workshop file is $10/USD.
When I looked back at all the super fun and cute workshops from the past year I thought they deserved to be featured ONE more time. Here are 14 workshops that I have created in the last year! WOW!
There will also be a link under if you would like to see more details.