Have you ever been or thought about being a Close to My Heart consultant? If you said yes to either of those questions then February is the month for you! There is a special offer from Close to My Heart if you would like to re-join or simply join Close to My Heart. I would love to talk to you if you have any questions.
New Consultants who join Close To My Heart in February will get the February, March, and April Stamp of the Month sets for FREE! That’s an additional $69 in retail value added to the already incredible value of the New Consultant Kit!
For our former Close To My Heart Consultants, we will also offer a lower-priced, no-kit enrollment option that will allow former Consultants to sign up for just $60! They will still receive $60 in Select Product Credit to spend on products of their choice, meaning they basically get to sign up for free! PLUS they’ll get the February, March, and April Stamp of the Month sets for FREE
Don’t forget as a added benefit when you join my team you have access to ALL my workshops to help promote and support your business!!