A magical creature and tons of glitter does it get much better than that? I couldn’t resist taking this Snapchat to help get me in the mood to create. What do you think? This is your clue as to what I used for my first workshop from the new Seasonal Expressions 2 Idea Book! If you guessed Little Dreamer you are right!

Layout #2-

Layout #3-

Layout #4-

Layout #5-

Layout #6-

Little Dreamer Workshop
Your Way G1126 $26.95USD/$34.50CAD
Little Dreamer
Coordinating Cardstock X7219D $9.95USD/$12.75
(4) White Daisy Cardstock
(24) 1385 $9.50USD/$12.25CAD
Aqua Shimmer Trim Z3086 $4.95USD/$6.50CAD
Whisper Twine Z3095
- A cover page with photo of the complete workshop
- A complete cutting guide
- Individual layout photos
- A tip and hints worksheet
- And a consultant release
- Social Media Badge
I LOVE this paper and your layouts! Thanks so much for creating this and sharing! 🙂
You are welcome- thanks for the kind words