Have you seen the amazing new Fundamental from Close to My Heart!! I love each and every one of them!! I was so excited to start to play with them. One of the things that I love about all the Close to My Heart products is how the completely coordinate and the Fundamental line is an excellent example of that. They have honestly done an amazing job with all the colour families in the new Fundamental line.


If you have stopped by my blog this month you might of noticed that I am having a Flash File Frenzy where all past workshops are buy 3 get 1 free…but I have been having so much fun working with the new Fundamental that it sparked an idea. 
The Basics Fundamental is ready to go…and the others are well on their way to being completed. So now on to the exciting news… I decided to offer the buy 3 workshops and get 1 free for these new Fundamental workshops. If you pre-order all 4 of the Fundamental Workshops and 1 will be FREE! As soon as you purchase  the Fundamental Workshop group you will receive the Basics Fundamental Workshop right away and each new workshop will show up in your in box every two months! This is a great way to introduce the Fundamentals to your customers and keep them coming back to the Annual Inspirations Idea Book.
The Fundamental Workshops will be released in this order-
Basics Fundamental – will be immediately email ($12 for workshop guide)
Enchantment Fundamental – October 1st ($12 for Workshop Guide)


Adventure Fundamental- December 1st ($12 for Workshop Guide)


Whimsy Fundamental- February 1st ($12 for Workshop Guide)


Pre-order all 4 during the month of August and take advantage of the buy 3 get 1 FREE. 

***Update***- for everyone that is taking advantage of the pre-order they will receive the files as soon as all the testing and corrections have been made!! As of today, Basics and Whimsy are ready to go!! The picture above will change from black&white to colour as they are ready to be sent!
Doesn’t this sound exciting!! I love to try new things and I hope you do too!
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at crbb@mts.net
This is the link to the pre-order of all 4 Workshop Guide in the series. 

This is the link for the single Basics Fundamental Workshop


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