This morning I was thinking about a fun way to celebrate December. Then it came to me how about we have a fun Festive File Sale!! Say what?? I was thinking about all the great workshops I have created since the launch of the 2017/2018 Annual Idea Book in August, there are a total of 14 different workshops! That is a bunch!! Let’s celebrate! During the month of December if you purchase 3 workshop files you will get 1 for FREE!! This deal will be available to use on all current and past workshops- and there are a bunch!! Just scroll down the right side panel of my blog. There are over 45 to choose from!

But in order to make this happen you will have to send me a PM on my Facebook business page- HERE


You can send me an email at with the list of workshops you would like and I will send you a PayPal invoice. Feel free to email me if you have any questions. 

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions!! 
Enjoy! Chris


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